Pourquoi prendre des compléments alimentaires

Why take food supplements?

Are food supplements really necessary if my diet is healthy and varied?

A healthy diet is indeed the basis and can under no circumstances be replaced by food supplements. However, it remains difficult to find all the essential nutrients there. Due to our very demanding lifestyle, our body often needs a little help.

So why consume them? How do you know when to take them?

We have listed here some reasons that will help you see things more clearly:

It is difficult to have a truly balanced diet.
It is estimated that only 2% of people eat a truly balanced diet. Our diet contains an abundance of refined carbohydrates and saturated fatty acids. Furthermore, we often do not ingest enough vitamins, minerals or proteins.
A tangible consequence is more frequent fatigue. This is also due to the increasing number of overweight people.

Foods contain fewer vitamins and minerals than before.

Although you make healthy food choices, it's not certain that your food contains the nutrients your body needs. The quality of food is reduced by overproduction, the use of fertilizers, pesticides and preservatives. In an orange, for example, there is less vitamin C today than 50 years ago. And this goes for many fruits and vegetables.

You are stressed

Don't deny it: you (sometimes) are stressed, it's the evil of our century, 9 out of 10 French people admit to suffering from it. Maintaining a good work-life balance is a real challenge. Add to that a busy schedule and a busy social life: that’s a lot. In the event of physical and psychological stress, our body needs more essential nutrients to function properly.

Lack of natural light

In our country, it can happen that the sun is not strong enough in winter to allow us to produce enough vitamin D. Added to this are other factors, such as age or skin color, which also influence the amount of vitamin D synthesized naturally by the body. Studies show that 80% of the European population is deficient in vitamin D. It is therefore important to remain vigilant about these possible deficiencies.

Give your body the best support.

Due to our lifestyles, our body needs a significant quantity of essential nutrients and it can be complicated to meet all the needs, especially when we have a busy schedule. We identify populations more likely to present shortages:

• Pregnant women
• Professional athletes
• Young children
• 55 years and over
• Stressed people
• Smokers
• Sick (long term)
• In case of excessive alcohol consumption
• Anyone who spends the majority of their day indoors

To support your body as best as possible, food supplements prove to be an ally of choice to fight against the most frequent deficiencies. Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs and amino acids.

How can the benefits accompany me on a daily basis?

This is why we have developed for you a range of food supplements, based on plant vitamins, which will help you deal with the small aggressions of everyday life, and give you that little boost your body may need.

In particular, you will be able to find in our products:

Rhodiola: if you are going through a period of significant stress

Melissa: Promotes positive mood.

Vitamin D : good for your immune system and against winter blues

Thyme and antioxidants: to protect your cells from “oxidative stress”

B vitamins: good for your energy metabolism

Guarana and Acerola: to eliminate fatigue and maintain a high level of tone

Lactic ferments : to promote difficult digestion

Milk thistle: to support the detoxification of your intestines and liver

Melatonin: to make it easier to fall asleep

 soothing and relaxing properties to counter stress and facilitate good sleep.

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